stratified epithelium

网络  复层上皮; 复层鳞状上皮; 复层上皮组织



  1. Stratified squamous epithelium with beginning surface cornification.
  2. Squamous cell papilloma is a kind of benign tumor from mucosa stratified squamous epithelium, which usually occurs in cheek, palate, lip and tongue.
  3. The buccal-pharynx cavity was large and there were serration cingula on the upper jaw and mandible, vomer and palatine bone; The mucosa was composed of stratified squamous epithelium with many mucous secretory cells and a few goblet cells in buccal-pharynx cavity;
  4. At the 38th day of incubation, dorsal gland vesicles with stratified epithelium were evident.
  5. Stratified cuboidal epithelium in the fold of oesophagus mucosa and transitional epithelium in the bottom of the fold were observed.
  6. The mucosa of the tongue contains a keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and a lamina propria, but no muscularis mucosa.
  7. The mucosal epithelium of rectum transforms into stratified squamous epithelium abruptly at the end of the rectum. The boundary line between rectum and cloaca was very distinct.
  8. Result: At 8-week embryo, trachea consists of 2-3 layers of stratified columnar cells and mesenchyme around the cells, the reaction of PAS of epithelium was positive.
  9. During 14-17th days, the duodenum of the rat fetus was composed of stratified epithelium and peripheral mesenchyme.
  10. At weeks 8-10, the luminal surface of the defect was covered with 6-8 layers of stratified squamous epithelium cells in both groups.
  11. There was only unkeratinized stratified epithelium or keratinized stratified squamous epithelium in the rectal end of the fistula or the urogenital fistula of low anorectal malformations, Those fistulas might be considered as an ectopic anal canal.
  12. Conclusions JE is an unique non-differentiated stratified epithelium different from OE and SE. CK19 would be a histological marker and CK10/ 13, 16 would be the cellular markers to differentiate JE from OE and SE.
  13. The results showed that the cloacal epithelium of duck was stratified squamous epithelium. There was no goblet cell between epithelial cells, and no villus at the mucosal surface.
  14. The sweat glands-like structure expressed both CEA and CK18, the stratum basale of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium wase CK19 and CK10 positive.
  15. Stratified squamous epithelium was replaced by columnar epithelium in low segment of esophagus proved by pathology.
  16. Results No stenosis and granulation tissue were observed in the prosthetic lumen, in which there was comparative continuous stratified ciliated columnar epithelium.
  17. The result show: The oesophagus has a thick stratified squamous epithelium which is little keratinized with numerous mucous glands.
  18. The cells in the area of the stratified epithelium have a very strong proliferating ability, their processes penetrated the basement membrane and extended into the ovaries and mixed with the stromal cells.
  19. The mucosa epithelium in vagina is generally covered by 2~ 3 layers of stratified squamous epithelium.
  20. The iatrophysics is the tradition therapy of cervical erosion, which destroy the columnar epithelium of cervix and replaced it by the stratified squamous epithelium.
  21. The epithelium of digestive tract is simple columnar cells except that of esophagus is stratified squamous epithelium.
  22. Fire acupuncture group: The model group, the auricular surface of the skin thickened stratified squamous epithelium reduced hair follicle expansion, within the hair follicle hyperkeratosis had been improved, interstitial congestion and infiltration of inflammatory cells disappeared.